Working Group I.2 of IAGA - Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth ================================================================== Electronic Newsletter #23: May 1998 ----------------------------------- Previous newsletters: enews.Oct92 - 1st enews.Jan93 - 2nd enews.Feb93 - 3rd enews.Oct93 - 4th enews.Feb94 - 5th enews.Mar94 - 6th enews.Jun94 - 7th enews.Aug94 - 8th enews.Sep94 - 9th enews.Jun95 - 10th enews.Oct95 - 11th enews.Dec95 - 12th enews.Jun96 - 13th enews2.Jun96 - 14th enews.Dec96 - 15th enews.Feb97 - 16th enews.May97 - 17th enews.Jul97 - 18th enews.Oct97 - 19th enews.Dec97 - 20th enews.Apr98 - 21st enews2.Apr98 - 22nd enews.May98 - 23rd (this one) Contents: >>>23.1 Sinaia financial support requests update >>>23.2 MT-DIW4 datasets now available >>>23.3 MTNet and MT-DIW mailing lists -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>23.1 Sinaia financial support requests update ================================================ There is a delay in decisions regarding disbursement of the raised funds for financial support for Sinaia. This is due to problems with the support applications to some agencies. There are over sixty applications for support requesting in excess of $75,000. Currently, we estimate a total amount available at around $25,000, although we will not be certain of the final figure until early July. We hope to have most of our decisions made before June 5th (end of next week). Those of you who are on the borderline for support may have to wait until later. If your situation has changed since your application, please let Alan Jones know as soon as possible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>23.2 MT-DIW4 datasets now available ====================================== The two MT-DIW4 datasets, COPROD2S and KAYABE, are now available for download. COPROD2S comprises two sets of data prepared by Ivan Varentsov. COPROD2S1 is a set of error-free responses (TE, TM & TF) from 61 sites over a profile length of 160 km with data at 12 periods in the range 2 - 10,000 s. COPROD2S2 is a set of responses (TE, TM & TF) to which noise, scatter and static shifts have been added at 33 sites with data at 8 periods in the range 1 - 3,000 s. KAYABE is the 209-station 3D dataset used for MT-DIW3. However, an orientation error was discovered in the original EDI files. Also, Geotools prior to version 7.20 mishandled data that were not at zero azimuth. Accordingly, most of the interpretations based on those EDI files, or derivitive J-format files, or using Geotools earlier than 7.20 are likely suspect. Both datasets can be downloaded in either EDI format or J-format. The COPROD2S data are also available in Ivan Varentsov's own format. For more information, you can go to the two MTNet web pages... Data download using a web browser can be up to 3x faster than using normal ftp. To do a direct ftp download, then ftp login as "anonymous" with your email address as the password cd pub/mtnet/data/kayabe bin get kayabe_. cd .. cd coprod2s bin get 2s<1 or 2>_. quit Please let Alan Jones know if you download these data, so that you can be informed of any updates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>23.3 MTNet and MT-DIW mailing lists ====================================== This will be the last newsletter than will be distributed through the old system. If you wish to continue to be kept informed of our activities, you must subscribe to the MTNet mailing list. Due to the problems with "spamming", I want to protect this mailing list from possible "spammers". Accordingly, I will authorize every name that goes onto the list, and only those on the list will be able to send an email to the list ( To subscribe to the MTNet mailing list, send an email to: with the following in the body subscribe mtnet Note that for this to work you must have a valid "Reply-To" address in your email. Invalid reply addresses will not be added to the list. If you are subscribing from a different Reply-To address than the one you want on the list, then use... subscribe mtnet (replacing "" with the email address you want). To unsubsribe, send an email with the message unsubscribe mtnet Again, unsubscribing from a different email address is done through... unsubscribe mtnet If you change your email address, you have to unsubscribe your old address and subscribe your new one... unsubscribe mtnet subscribe mtnet I will not add all current email addresses to the list, but ask that you do this yourself. This way I will know that the list is current, and that all people on it really want to receive mailings. Once you have subscribed to the list, you can send a message to all users by emailing it to Remember to send messages in PLAIN 7-bit ASCII!!!! Do NOT send attachments of any form. Do not use special characters. I will allow this feature to be unmoderated (i.e., I will not check whether the message going out is one that many will want to see) until such time as this is abused. So please do not send out messages to this list except when you are sure that many of your colleagues will want to know what you have to say. If you use this to send a general message, make sure that you send the text in plain ASCII. Do NOT send a file directly from programs such as Word or WordPerfect. Many of us either do not have the appropriate word processing software or have problems decoding the attachments. If I receive complaints about abuse, I will remove posting priviledges from the abuser. If the complains reach crescendo proportions, I will have no option but to reluctantly moderate this list. To find out who is on the list, you can send to the following command... who mtnet There is also a separate list for those who wish to be informed of the MT-DIW activities. I put names on the list because that scientist either a) participated in a previous MT-DIW, b) answered 3A or 3B to the Sinaia questionnaire, or c) I think that they should be on the list (either they are a modeller, or they are on the WG committee). To subscribe to the MT-DIW list, use the same format as above substituting "mtdiw" for "mtnet" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan G Jones Ottawa, 29 May, 1998 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------