Working Group I.2 of IAGA - Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth ================================================================== Electronic Newsletter #14: June 1996 ------------------------------------ Previous newsletters: enews.Oct92 - 1st enews.Jan93 - 2nd enews.Feb93 - 3rd enews.Oct93 - 4th enews.Feb94 - 5th enews.Mar94 - 6th enews.Jun94 - 7th enews.Aug94 - 8th enews.Sep94 - 9th enews.Jun95 - 10th enews.Oct95 - 11th enews.Dec95 - 12th enews.Jun96 - 13th enews2.Jun96 - 14th (this one) Copies of previous electronic newsletters can be obtained from either the MTNet WWW site or by anonymous ftp login to in directory pub/mtnet/docs. Please submit any comments/articles/news-items/gossip/corrections to Contents: >>>14.1 Onuma Program Available >>>14.2 1998 EM Workshop >>>14.3 MTNet address change >>>14.4 MTNet Update >>>14.5 Geomagnetic forecast on the Web >>>Appendix: Email list IMPORTANT DEADLINES:.. 28 June 1996: Abstract deadline: "EFFECTIVE EXPLORATION IN DIFFICULT TERRAIN" (see 13.6) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>14.1 Onuma Program Available =============================== The program for the Onuma meeting is now available on MTNet (see below). The program gives the titles of all presentations, and lists whether they are to be given orally or as a poster. Also, poster sizing information is provided. If you submitted an abstract for the meeting, but now find that you will not be able to attend, please contact Prof. Honkura ( immediately so that changes can be made. This is particularly important if you are listed to give an oral presentation. If you are scheduled for a poster presentation and are unable to attend but wish your poster to be viewed, then arrange for a colleague to take and mount your poster for you, and also to defend it. Alternatively, contact Prof. Honkura to make appropriate arrangements. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>14.2 1998 EM Workshop ======================== As reported in the last newsletter (item 13.4), the Working Group Committee is now seeking and soliciting proposals from those wishing to host the 14th 1998 EM Induction Workshop. Details can be found in 13.4, or contact me for further information. To date, I have not received any firm proposals, or even strong expressions of interest. If you are working on putting a proposal together, could you please inform me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>14.3 MTNet address change ============================ Due to an administrative change within my department, the URL for MTNet has changed to:- (Note: the capitalized "NRC" is not essential, as the server is case insensitive, but I am required always to use that form.) Also, the email addresses of myself and others within the GSC have changed appropriately to The old name should work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>14.4 MTNet Update ==================== MTNet now has available for download three time series processing codes (Chave, Egbert, Jones). Also, a new time series format is proposed (TS format) for exchange of time series. Comments on the new format would be appreciated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>14.5 Geomagnetic forecast on the Web ======================================= 48-hour and 27-day geomagnetic forecasts are now available on the Web at URL (Expect the URL to change soon to the NRCan.gc format) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan G Jones Ottawa, June 20, 1996 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>Appendix: Email list ======================= Email list not transmitted. Can be found on MTNet.