Working Group I.2 of IAGA - Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth ================================================================== Electronic Newsletter #9: 1994 ------------------------------------- Previous newsletters: enews.Oct92 - 1st enews.Jan93 - 2nd enews.Feb93 - 3rd enews.Oct93 - 4th enews.Feb94 - 5th enews.Mar94 - 6th enews.Jun94 - 7th enews.Aug94 - 8th enews.Sep94 - 9th (this one) This is the ninth electronic newsletter for our group. A newsletter will be sent around when there is enough material, or a special event about to come up, to warrant distribution. Not all of us in the working group have access to an email address; if you are aware of colleagues who are not likely to receive this newsletter, please give them a paper copy (but chastise them for using trees instead of electrons). Also, please forward this to colleagues who may not yet be on my email list and ask them to forward their address to me. Copies of previous electronic newsletters can be obtained by anonymous ftp login to mtnet (either europe or northamerica) in directory pub/mtnet/docs. Please submit any comments/articles/news-items/gossip/corrections to Contents: >>>9.1 Minutes of WG committee meetings at Brest >>>9.2 Abstracts of Brest presentations >>>9.3 1995 EGS HAMBURG >>>9.4 MT-DIW2 Submission Information >>>9.5 Boulder IUGG/IAGA News >>>9.6 Electrode Intercomparison >>>9.7 MTNET update >>>9.8 Recent Publications >>>9.9 Position Vacant >>>9.10 Editorial Clarification >>>Appendix: Email list Deadlines: SEPTEMBER 30 1994: Pre-registration for electrode intercomparison (see #9.6) OCTOBER 31 1994: Registration at Positano meeting (see #7.2) NOVEMBER 15 1994: Abstracts for EGS 1995 HAMBURG (see #9.3) DECEMBER 25 1994: Submission of MT-DIW2 papers (see #9.4) FEBRUARY 1 1995: Submission of abstracts for Boulder (see #9.5) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>9.1 Minutes of WG committee meetings at Brest ================================================ These minutes are being circulated for information. If you wish to discuss any items, please contact either your committee representative, or our Chairman, Al Duba. Minutes of IAGA WG 1.1 Committee meetings: Brest, August 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 August: Committee Meeting I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting commenced at 12:45 In attendance (anti-clockwise from the Chair): Duba Jiracek Ingham Osella Jones Pedersen Tarits Honkura Szarka Junge >1. Discussion of agenda for Brest WG business meeting; agenda items 1A. Workshop venue for 1996 - two formal offers - Indian & Japan - presentations to be made during business meeting - no offer from China - tentative offer from MIT (Mackie) in honour of Ted Madden - offer from McElhinney for workshop joint with Western Pacific AGU to be held in Brisbane 13 - 17 July, 1996. After discussion, it was resolved that:- THE COMMITTEE THANK McELHINNEY FOR THE OFFER, BUT WISH TO PROCEED WITH AN INDEPENDENT ELECTROMAGNETIC MEETING 1B. Workshop format - discussion ensued about possible formats for the next workshop. Should there be greater effort at having tutorials? No decision made, except that it was re-emphasised that the format is at the discretion of the host local organising committee. 1C. Topics for next Workshop - topics for the next workshop must be decided upon at Boulder. All members will be encouraged to think about this and send suggestions to one of the committee members. 1D. Boulder - WG business meeting during Boulder will be held on Friday 7th July - Hjelt to present the 7 WG sessions 1E. Charley Swift - discussion about how to send Charley Swift our best regards. Decided to purchase a book and have everybody sign it. 1F. Books - Duba to inform the group of the two new EM books (Weaver, and Zhdanov) 1G. Hohmann Meeting - There will be a meeting in honour of Jerry Hohmann at Schlumberger-Doll research labs in 1995. 1H. MT-DIW's - Jones to give brief presentation on status of MT-DIW's. Discussion ensued about this workshop: - number of *new* people increased. Good sign. Bodes well for the future of our field - funding for young scientists and some senior scientists explained by Duba, Jiracek, Tarits and Jones. - Jiracek considers that the industry support base could be expanded. - Duba expressed regret that there are so few Africans at this workshop. He was pleased to see such a large South American representation. - Would there be travel support for Boulder? AGU? U.S. State Dept.? JIRACEK to check.--------------------------------------------ACTION ITEM >2. Committee Membership Replacements - There will need to be replacements for Duba, Fainberg, and Singh at the Boulder IUGG meeting. - Duba explained the process. - The committee makes a recommended list and presents it to the members. - Members may add any name they desire. - If there is more than one name from any particular country, then a vote ensues - with the affected members absent - to pick one candidate. - If there are more candidates than positions, a vote ensues, usually by written ballot, to select the replacements. - The committee consider that both the U.S. and the F.S.U. should have representation on the committee. - Some discussion ensued about possible candidates. >3. Holding every third workshop in various locations - It had been suggested to Duba that every third workshop be held in many locations, much like the regional AGUs. This would enable those who are unable to attend the main workshop to attend their regional one. - Jones stated his objection, with the view that there was already regional geophysical meetings that EM people could congregate at. - Ingham also voiced his strong opposition. - The consensus of the committee is that this is not a good idea, and is likely to fractionate the community. >4. Support Form - There is a need to obtain certain specific baseline data in order to make an assessment for financial support. JIRACEK, JONES and TARITS to provide form in time for Boulder IUGG.--------------------------------------------------------ACTION ITEM Meeting adjourned at 14:10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 August: Business Meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting called to order at 19:45 Discussion items: A: Venue of 1996 workshop B: Format C: Topics D: MT-DIW E: IUGG Boulder 1995 F: Charley Swift G: Books H: Hohmann I: Financial support J: EGS meeting, Hamburg 1995 B: Format --------- Duba said that our workshops are tending to become like an AGU with formal presentations. We are losing the "workshop" spirit. What should we do to get this back? Should there be for example a "Best Student Paper Award"? Raiche opposed this, with the concern that the content suffers. The talks should be about ideas, even off-the-wall ideas, rather than finished pieces of work. Nobes agreed. Constable made a plea for far more discussion of oral presentations. Jones thought that there should be fewer oral presentations, but that each one should be allocated more time. Chouteau wanted presentations to focus on themes. Constable supported the idea of having the posters up for the whole duration of the workshop, rather than just for the specific session. He suggested that all papers be posters, and that the program committee pick out what's currently "hot". Schmucker wondered if we should break into workshop clusters. Hobbs disagreed vehemently. Single session for our workshop is very important. He also agreed with Constable that there should be some focusing of themes at our workshops. Chave opined that the format of a particular workshop must be left in the hands of the program committee to decide. Raiche agreed with Chave. Jiracek made a plea to have oral presentations give a simple message. Smith wanted more time to view the posters. Schultz wondered whether there should be more specialist sub-workshops, along the lines of the MT-DIWs. Or perhaps we should have parallel sessions. Duba felt strongly that there should be only one session. Consensus views were:- - posters should be up the whole time - single session only - program committee to decide format based on number of abstracts etc. C: Topics --------- All informed that they should let members of the WG Committee know possible topics for the 1996 workshop. G: Books -------- All informed about the two books recently published. I: Financial Support -------------------- Thanks were expressed to those who worked hard to obtain financial support for travel funds. Jiracek, Tarits, Spies and Strack. H: Hohmann meeting ------------------ All informed about Schlumberger-Doll EM meeting to be held in honour of Jerry Hohmann. E: IUGG Boulder 1995 -------------------- Hjelt gave the outline of the EM sessions at Boulder. Seven scientific sessions, with a WG Business Mtng on 7 July, and a IAGA Div I Business Mtng on 8 July. Abstract deadline is February 1st, by mail or email. Extra copy of abstract to go to principal convener of session. J: EGS meeting, Hamburg 1995 ---------------------------- Brown described the special session that he is convening at the Hamburg EGS on April 4-7 on "EM studies of the lithosphere". The conveners are Brown, Tezkan and Pec. F: Charley Swift ---------------- Jiracek described Swift's condition, and that a book was available for those to sign who wanted to send their best wishes. D: MT-DIW --------- Jones reported on the MT-DIWs: MT-DIW1: JGG special issue out. Editors of JGG very happy with the result. MT-DIW2: Cambridge. 37 participants. 27 presentations. 4 datasets. Brief results of modelling exercise conducted at Cambridge shown. MT-DIW3: Will take place. Location unknown at present. Dependent on location of 1996 EM workshop. Will take two new datasets. A 3D Japanese dataset, plus another one. A: Venue of 1996 workshop ------------------------- RP Singh made a presentation for his proposal to hold the 1996 workshop in Kanpur. time: some week in August or first week of September. But best time for dates is over Indian winter Oct - Feb. How fixed is workshop to August? Wednesday -> Thursday suggested. venue: IIT, Kanpur Kanpur is a city of 2.5 million, 300 sq km. Industrial city. Uses thermal power. IITK located 15 km W of Kanpur city. accom: guest house at IITK campus for 75 people. $5/night. Rest would stay in hotels in Kanpur. 'A'-class hotel: $25-40. 'B'-class hotel: $10-25. 'C'-class hotel: $5-10. meals: lunch & dinner: $8. climate: 20 C - 30 C usually. regist: $100 before 15 April, $125 after. $50 " $75 " for students. $50 for accompanying persons. finan: Financial support is expected from USA (NSF, DOE) Canada (CIDA) INSA finances from Germany, France, UK, Russia, Japan Raiche asked about community violence. Should one be concerned? Singh answered that violence outside Kanpur, not in it. Honkura made a presentation for his proposal to hold the 1996 workshop in Hokkaido. time: July 10-17. regist: $150 $50 for students. venue: New international seminar house in quasi national park. Maximum capacity is 200 persons. If get more than that registering, then may have to look elsewhere. accom: $100/day room & all meals in hotel $60/day for room/breakfast/dinner in government accommodation $45/day for room/breakfast/dinner in hostel Camping is possible (rates unknown) travel: Possible to fly to new airport just opening in Osaka. Jiracek asked whether traditional Japanese accommodation available (Roikans)? What is cost of beer? Meeting adjourned at 21:30. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 August: Committee Meeting II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting commenced at 13:00 In attendance (anti-clockwise from the Chair): Duba Ingham Szarka Junge Osella Jones Pedersen Fainberg Tarits Jiracek Honkura requested not to attend due to nature of main discussion item. >1. Division I Chairman Duba reported that IAGA Division I will need a new Chairman at the Boulder meeting. Jones wondered whether there was an informal understanding in Div I that the chair be rotated between EM and paleomag interests? If so, then must be time for paleomag candidate. >2. ILONEM ILONEM is still in place, but has no "person" and no funds for inviting people. Jones thought that the need for a centralised facility was less now than previously given the advent of Internet and the electronic access to computers and modelling codes. Pedersen expressed his agreement with this. Duba to relay consensus of committee to Hjelt. >3. South American project Duba had received a letter from Borzotta (Mendoza) asking the WG to support a proposed project with Rokityansky to take place in South America. After discussion, it was agreed that JONES, PEDERSEN and OSELLA would provide a written review of the scientific aspects of the proposal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------ACTION ITEM >4. Reminder about topics for next workshop >5. Membership. Reminder to think about members for 1995 meeting. >6. Support form to be ready for Boulder. >7. Fainberg stated that at recent Russian EM meeting; the consensus was that Svetov replace Fainberg on the committee. Duba explained the procedure; that the replacement is by democratic vote of ALL the members present at the business meeting, not just of a geographical group. >8. Location of next workshop After lengthy discussion, it was unanimously agreed to accept Japan's offer to host the 1996 workshop. Meeting adjourned at 14:10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes prepared by A.G. Jones Ottawa, 6 September 1994. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>9.2 Abstracts of Brest presentations ====================================== All abstracts of the presentations given at Brest are now available electronically on MTNET. You will find them in directory /pub/mtnet/brest. They are stored individually for each session in ASCII format, and also as a compressed tar file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>9.3 1995 EGS HAMBURG ======================= There are eight sessions at the 1995 EGS meeting to be held in Hamburg of interest to our community and in which we can display our methods and results. These are:- SE1 Tectonophysics Convener: R. Sabadini (Bologna) SE2 Deformation and Thermal Evolution of the Crust-Lithosphere System 01 Thermo-Mechanical Models and Observational Constraints Convener: M.J.R. Wortel (Utrecht), Co-Convener: M. Torne (Barcelona) 02 Subduction Convener: M.J.R. Wortel (Utrecht), Co-Convener: J. Safanda (Praha) SE3 Fault Zones and Faulting: Physical Modelling, Dynamics and Observations 01 Tectonic Setting of Fault Regions Convener: R. Meissner (Kiel) 02 Fault Dynamics Convener: M. Cocco (Rome), Co-Convener: M. Campillo (Grenoble) 03 Rheology and Friction of Faults - the Effect of Fluids Convener: E.H. Rutter (Manchester) SE5 Seismic Reflection and Refraction Sounding of the Lithosphere Convener: H. Thybo (Copenhagen), Co-Conveners: J. Gallart (Barcelona), E. Perchuc (Warsaw) SE13 Geophysical Methods for Near-Surface Imaging and Monitoring Convener: P. Docherty (Cambridge), Co-Conveners: M. Powers (Golden), J.-J. Schott (Strasbourg) SE15 Physical Properties of Lower Crustal and Upper Mantle Rocks - Measured and Calculated Convener: P. Rey (Potsdam), Co-Conveners: G. Barruol (Montpellier), S. Ji (Montreal), A. Zappone (Milano) SE16 Electrical Structure of the Lithosphere Convener: C. Brown (Galway), Co-Conveners: J. Pek (Praha), B. Tezkan (Koeln) SE19 Structure of Continental Margins and Oceanic Crust Convener: T.J. Reston (Kiel), Co-Convener: J.H. McBride (Cambridge) The meeting will be held at the Congress Centrum Hamburg (CCH) and SAS Plaza Hotel on 3-7 April, 1995. More information can be obtained from logging into the menu-driven server (NOT as given on the EGS poster) with the username and password EGS95. (NOTE: For SUN users, you have to be in a SHELL TOOL, not a COMMAND TOOL, when using %rlogin - may also be true of SUN clones.) The abstract deadline is NOVEMBER 15 1994. Here is the abstract information taken from EGS ABSTRACT FORMAT =================== 12.0 cm (width) x 10.5 cm (height) TECHNIQUES FOR THE PREPARATION OF ABSTRACTS, SLIDES AND POSTERS FOR EGS MEETINGS I.C. Nemo (Institut fuer Meteorologie und Geophysik, Schoepfstr. 41, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria) J. Verne and A.N. Other (ETH, Sonneggstr. 5, CH-8006 Zuerich, Switzerland) Follow this instructions in typing your abstract. The printing plates will be prepared by photographing the abstracts exactly as they are received. Abstracts that do not meet this format will not be processed! Use a laserprinter or a good typewriter with a plastic carbon ribbon. Since there will be a 69 % size reduction, do not use a type size smaller than 10 pica points. Type all lines flush left! (1) Type title of contribution in capital letters and in bold (optional). (2) Leave one blank line after the title block. (3) Type first author(s) followed directly by corresponding affiliation. Additional author(s) should be typed similarly, without blank lines between authors. Underline the name of the author who will present the paper; this need not be the first author. (4) Leave one blank line after the author block. (5) Type text of abstract flush left. (6) Mathematical symbols should be typed in or drawn neatly in dark ink. (7) Metric (SI) symbols should be used. (8) Abstract size block should be drawn only on typing backup sheet. (9) Be sure to complete all submittal information. Abstracts that cannot be associated with a Session will not be processed. (10) Be sure to mail the original abstract to the EGS Office and a copy to the appropriate Convener(s). Alternatively, you may e-mail the original plus your submittal information as an ASCII File directly to the EGS Office. (11) Prepare your slides with your name, a sequence number and a thumb mark, and hand them to the projectionist at the EGS meeting before your Session starts. Posters are most welcome and, in general, they should be 1 m (width) x 1.5 m (height) in size. Submittal Information 1. Name, full address and telephone, telex, fax & e-mail number for correspondence 2. Reference of Session for which your contribution is intended 3. Name(s) of Convener(s) to whom a copy of your abstract has been sent 4. Projection or other equipment if required in addition to standard (*) 4. Projection or other equipment if required in addition to standard (*) 5. Preference for oral or poster presentation 6. Name of EGS Support Award if applied for (*) Two overhead and one slide projector per lecture room is standard and simultaneous projection possible. Special stands for video and/or computer demonstrations are foreseen in the central hall comprising the poster sessions, the exhibition and the central coffee stands. Mail Original to EGS Office & Copy to appropriate Convener(s): EGS Office Tel: +49-5556-1440 Postfach 49 Fax: +49-5556-4709 Max-Planck-Str. 1 Tx: 965 515 cop d 37189 Katlenburg-Lindau SPAN: NSP::LINMPI::EGS Germany INTERNET: EGS@LINAX1.DNET.GWDG.DE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>9.4 MT-DIW2 Submission Information ===================================== Papers analysing one of the four MT-DIW2 datasets (COPROD2, BC87, PNG & OKEMAP) should be submitted by DECEMBER 25 1994 to me. The text MUST be in LaTeX, using the JGG style files, and figures should be submitted in PostScript. If you have any difficulties with submitting your paper in LaTeX, then please contact me. I can accept papers in plain ASCII and wrap the LaTeX commands around your text, as long as there is no mathematics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>9.5 Boulder IUGG/IAGA News ============================= Details of the Boulder IUGG meeting, with descriptions of all the IAGA-related sessions, are given in the latest IAGA News, No. 33, July 1994. If you wish to receive IAGA News, and be put on the official IAGA address list, then you must contact the IAGA Secretary-General, Mike Gadsden. For legal reasons, you must request to be on the address list. Send a message (the easiest is by fax) to Mike Gadsden, at: Prof. Mike Gadsden Secretary-General of IAGA Physics Unit Fraser Noble Building Aberdeen University Aberdeen AB9 2UE SCOTLAND (UK) tel: (44) 738 440 358 fax: (44) 738 440 450 Note that both telephone numbers are for Mike's private residence in Perth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>9.6 Electrode Intercomparison =============================== (submitted by Frederic Perrier) Proposal of Intercomparison between several kinds of electrodes for geoelectric measurements (according to a resolution of the 12th Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, held in Brest, August 8-13, 1994) - Place : Centre de Recherches Geophysiques (CRG) 58150 GARCHY (France) - Period : From the Spring 1995 to the Spring 1996 - Tentative Schedule (exact date to be determined with participants) First week : - arrival of participants (with their electrodes and preamplifiers) on Sunday - in the laboratory, measurements of the parameters of the electrodes : (8 of each model, if possible) - internal impedance - self polarization - spectral noise density - in the field, people from each group will install 2 short parallel telluric lines (10 to 50 m), exactly in the same manner they normally do (with their own electrodes and preamplifiers) - nearby, 2 paralell telluric lines per model of electrodes will be installed in the same conditions : - buried at the same depth - with the same protection against rain or dryness - with the same preamplifiers - after installation, recording of signals from all telluric lines will be started as also several temperatures and the 3 components of the local magnetic field (with data acquisition equipment from Garchy) - End of the first week : departure of the participants - During ~ 1 year : Continuation of the recording under supervision of CRG's people : Rate ~ 1 set of data per minute Availability of the data : at least every month - Last week : During Spring 1996, exact date to be determined later on : new meeting of the participants to recover the electrodes, measure their individual parameters again in the laboratory, and begin to prepare the report to be submitted to the 13th Workshop to be help in Japan in August 96. -------------------------------------------------------------- Intercomparison of Electrodes (Spring 95-Spring 96) in Garchy ---------------------------------- Pre-registration Form Please return by 30th september 1994, if you plan to participate in these intercomparison tests Name : Organization : Address : Telephone : Fax : E-Mail : Types of electrodes : Preferred 1st week : March 27-April 1st or April 10-15, 1995 (underline your first choice) Comments and suggestions about the program : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>9.7 MTNET update =================== [Note: the European node at Cambridge may not be up-to-date as Adam Schultz is away.] 9.7.1: Current Directory Structure ---------------------------------- mtnet/ brest/ abstracts from Brest data/ various datasets bc87/ coprod2/ emslab/ okemap/ png/ decomposition/ decomposition programs mcneice-jones/ docs/ various documents forward/ forward routines ANISO/ in/ misc/ models/ various models coprod2/ mt-diw1/ mt-diw2/ poly/ model poly file format information time-series-processing/ time series processing programs chave/ jones/ lims/ 9.7.2: Model files ------------------ Several people asked for access to the COPROD2 model files and to the colour comparison figures (figs 7a and 7b) in the COPROD2 paper (Jones, 1994). These are now on MTNET in directory mtnet/models/coprod2 (see above). The models are stored in poly file format, and the colour figures in PostScript. All are UNIX compressed. If you need them in another compression format (e.g. zip), please let me know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>9.8 Recent Publications ========================== I would like to have a regular item about recent publications, especially those that are not in the most common geophysics journals (GJI, JGR, GRL, Geophysics). Please submit items to me as your work is published. Use any format you like. BOOK{Winter:94} AUTHOR = {Helmuth Winter}, TITLE = {Tensor-Geoelektrik an der Kontinentalen Tiefbohrung}, SERIES = {Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 8, Nr. 379}, PUBLISHER = {VDI-Verlag, Duesseldorf, Germany}, ISBN = 3-18-337908-2, YEAR = 1994, NOTE = {in German with English summary, 148 pp., 62 figures, 13 tables} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>9.9 Position Vacant ====================== Prof. Herbert Huppert has secured funds for a further post-doctoral scientist at the Institute of Theoretical Geophysics of the University of Cambridge. The position is for two years, with a possible renewal for a further term. The successful candidate, on taking up the Fellowship in January 1995 or as soon thereafter as convenient, will probably have finished a Ph.D. within the last three years. Further information is available from Ms. T. Green-Thomas, by email (TG112@PHX.CAM.AC.UK), to whom applications should be sent by MONDAY 31 OCTOBER 1994. Six copies of the application should include a curriculum vitae, the names and addresses (with Fax and email numbers) of three referees, and a statement of about 1,000 words describing the applicant's previous and current research. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>9.10 Editorial Clarification =============================== The item in the last newsletter (#8.1) concerning commercial solicitation was prompted by a company other than GEOTOOLS INC. The editor wishes to apologise to Geotools Inc. for any erroneous impression caused. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alan G Jones Ottawa, September 15, 1994 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>Appendix: Email list ======================= IAGA Working Group I.2 Internet email list: 14 September 1994 -------------------------------------------------------------- Changes noted since listing dated: 19 August 1994 Additions/corrections/deletions to: Temporary addresses identified by termination date RETURNED after the address indicates that mail was returned from that address when last sent. I would appreciate receiving the correct email address. Toni Adam Sopron Ashok Agarwal UVic Anand Kalvey UofA B.R. Aurora IIG, Bombay Karsten Bahr Potsdam Dick Bailey UofT Roger Banks Edinburgh I.S. Barashkov Moscow Oliver Baumer Braunschweig Dave Beamish BGS M.N. Berdichevsky Moscow N.I. Berezina Moscow Hugh Bibby IGNS, NZ Dave Boerner GSC John Booker UW Carla Braitenberg Trieste <---NEW Heinrich Brasse FU Berlin Colin Brown Galway Grant Caldwell IGNS, NZ Wally Campbell USGS, Denver Vaclav Cerv GFU Prague F H Chamalaun Flinders Alan Chave Woods Hole J Chen UVic Arvidas B. Cheryauka U.I. GG&M Steve Constable Scripps Antonio Correia Evora Jim Craven GSC Jim Cull Monash <---CH Catherine deGroot-Hedlin UCSD Tatyana Demidova Shirshov V.I. Dmitriev Moscow Al Duba LLNL Nigel Edwards U Toronto Gary Egbert Oregon State Markus Eisel GFZ Potsdam Rob Ellis UBC Rob Evans U Toronto Mark Everett Cambridge Hjalmar Eysteinsson Iceland Eduard Fainberg Troitsk Colin Farquharson UBC Alicia Favetto Buenos Aires N.V. Federov Ian Ferguson UofM Jean Filloux Scripps Gaston Fischer Switzerland Carlos Flores-Luna Nice (-> ???) Agusta Flosadottir PMEL Sergio Fontes CNPq/ON Mary Fowler Royal Holloway Bernhard Fluche Hannover Kiyoshi Fujita Kobe Nick Golubev Troitsk Enrique Gomez-Trevino CICESE Ross Groom Queen's U Jagdish Gupta GSC Volker Haak GFZ Potsdam John Haines IGNS, NZ Lynn Hastie U.Queensland Graham Heinson Flinders <--CHANGED TO BELOW Graham Heinson Tokyo ->Sept 1995 R Hermanto Tasmania (R: Oct93) Lee Hirsch Exxon Sven-Erik Hjelt Oulu Bruce Hobbs Edinburgh A Hoerdt Cologne Y Honkura Tokio Inst Tech Rosemary Hutton Edinburgh Malcolm Ingham Wellington George Jiracek San Diego Hartmut Joedicke Muenster Alan Jones GSC Walter Jones Edmonton Andreas Junge Edinburgh Pertti Kaikkonen U Oulu Richard Kellett UNB Toivo Korja U Oulu Ron Kurtz GSC Alexey Kuvshinov Troitsk Louis J. Lanzerotti Bell Labs Jim Larsen NOAA Marcela Lastovickova Prague ml@cspgig11 (BITNET) Lawrie Law PGC Xiaobo Li Uppsala F E M (Ted) Lilley ANU Dean Livelybrooks Ecole Gabriella Losito Florence Randy Mackie MIT Ted Madden MIT Adele Manzella Italy Alex Marcuello Barcelona Pierre Maregiano SDSU Marianne Mareschal Ecole Mario Martinez CICESE Willi Masero Neuchatel Hans-Martin Maurer Uppsala Kenneth MacDonald Edinburgh Dave McKirdy McMaster <---CHANGED Maxwell Meju Leicester Michel Menvielle Paris <--CHANGED Dennis Mills Geotools N.A. Mershikova Moscow Frank Morrison Berkeley Carlos Moyano Argentina Wolfgang Muller BGR, Hannover Darcy Nascimento Edinburgh <---NEW Greg Newman Sandia Ed Nichols Berkeley David Nobes Canterbury Yasuo Ogawa GSC-Ottawa (-> April 1995) Doug Oldenburg UBC Nils Olsen Copenhagen Arnold Orange Ana Osella Buenos Aires Antonio Padilha INPE, Brazil Nick Palshin Shirshov Steve Park UC Riverside Sudhir Kumar Paul Flinders Ken Paulson U Sask Laust Pedersen Uppsala Josef Pek GFU Prague Louise Pellerin USGS, Denver M A Perez-Flores CICESE Alvaro Peretti Buenos Aires Frederic Perrier Garchy <---NEW Christof Peter Goettingen Risto Pirjola FMI Jean-Paul Poirier IPG Paris Cristina Pomposiello Buenos Aires As for Ana Osella Anatoly Popov Irkutsk Jaume Pous Barecelona Carsten Pretzschner Freiburg Geoff Pritchard Cambridge Wei Qian GSC-Ottawa Art Raiche CSIRO C K Rao IIG Thorkild Rasmussen Uppsala Volker Rath Berlin Armin Rauen KTB C D Reddy IIG Luiz Rijo NCGG/UFPa Augustinho Rigoti Flinders Oliver Ritter Edinburgh Patricia Ritter Edinburgh G F Risk IGNS Jeff Roberts Livermore Roland Roberts Uppsala J M Romo CICESE K K Roy Kharagpur Giovanni Santarato Italy Adam Schultz Cambridge Pierre Schnegg Neuchatel Gerhard Schwarz FU, Berlin Vladimir Semenov WDC-B2 sgc@adonis.ias.msk. Tom Shankland Los Alamos V. Shapiro Russia Vitaly Shneyer Troitsk Fiona Simpson Imperial Ramesh P Singh Kanpur Russian Geophys. Comm. Moscow Torquil Smith Cambridge Brian Spies Schlumberger Klaus Spitzer Hannover Wilhelm Stiefelhagen Neuchatel Johannes Stoll Frankfurt Kurt Strack Houston Boris Svetov Troitsk Lazlo Szarka Sopron Shinich Takakura GSJ Tamarchenko Atlas Wireline Pascal Tarits Brest Buelent Tezkan Koeln David Thomson Bell labs Hiroaki Toh U Tokio Carlos Torres-Verdin Schlumberger Jandyr M. Travassos CNPq/ON <---CHANGED Mustafa Kemal Tuncer Istanbul <---NEW Jim Tyburczy Arizona State Robert Tyler McGill <---NEW Andreas Tzanis Athens sggp01@grathun1 (BITNET) Toshi Uchida GSJ Martyn J. Unsworth UW H Utada ERI, Tokyo M Uyeshima ERI, Tokyo Leonid Vanyan Shirshov Ivan Varentsov Troitsk Ari Viljanen FMI, Helsinki Keeva Vozoff Koeln ? Harve Waff U Oregon Peter Walker Queen's U same as Ross Groom B J Wannamaker U of Minn Phil Wannamaker UURI John Weaver UVic Peter Weidelt Braunsweig Kathy Whaler Leeds Tony White Flinders Andrew Wilson Edinburgh Helmuth Winter KTB Jim Wright MUN Wu, Nong UW Zonghou Xiong Utah Yegorov Shirshov yegorov@sio.msk.suD Oya Yazici-Cakin Istanbul as Tuncer <---NEW Chuck Young Michigan Gerhard Zacher Koeln Annalisa Zaja Padova terra03@ipdunivx (BITNET) Andrea Zerilli AGIP Ping Zhang Ecole Mikhail Zhdanov Utah Bension Zinger Atlas Wireline Zhao Guoze SSB, Beijing Zhao Guoze SSB, Beijing /PN=MAP.MAIL/O=COMPANY/ADMD=CHINAMAILBJ/C=CN/ GEOTOOLS Russian Geophysical Committee Troitsk EM group Shirshov Institute of Oceanology