An exercise to test two-dimensional (2D) MT inversion algorithms on the same dataset. The original data were corrected for static shifts and mildly smoothed to reduce data outliers.

Coprod2 models

Models presented in Jones (1993) derived from thirteen different inversion algortihms plus two forward trial-and-error exercises.

The COPROD2 dataset consists of magnetotelluric data from thirty-five sites on a 300-km east-west profile just north of the U.S./Canadian border in central Canada. The profile crosses the North American Central Plains (NACP) conductivity anomaly, and a smaller anomaly further to the east.

The data have been corrected for static shifts using the parametric sedimentary layer approach (see Jones, 1988). In addition, the data were mildly smoothed, to reduce outliers, using a low-order polynomial smoothing routine.

The data are stored in J-format and in EDI-format.

In each file are the ZXY and ZYX apparent resistivities and phases, plus the TZY transfer functions. The "X" direction is "North", which is geographic north in this case.

The data were used for examination at the first and second MT data interpretation workshops, MT-DIW1 and MT-DIW2.

If you use these data in a publication, please inform Alan Jones so that it can be added to the list below.

The original data, unsmoothed and uncorrected for static shifts, are also available for download to test your ideas about static shifts etc. This dataset includes all four elements of the impedance tensor for each site, and both of the vertical field responses.

NOTE: The co-ordinates in the original data files are correct. The shifted data have been moved onto an East-West line.


Download COPROD2 data

Download original, uncorrected, COPROD2 data

Download COPROD2 models

Published papers using COPROD2 dataset